How a Golf Swing is improved by Movement Lesson


How a Golf Swing is improved by Movement Lesson

Golf is one of the most popular recreational activities around the world. From young to old. Male and female. Australasia to Northern Europe. Whenever the sun is shining hordes descend on the green links for some competition, fun and exercise. However, a poor golf swing can lead to so much frustration. Balls landing in the rough, trees or water. Suddenly that leisurely round of golf is ruining a good walk! Consequently, that back-pain, neck-ache or frustration from work gets a little bit worse.

As we approach the end of ‘Lockdown Part II’ golf courses around the country will be open again. Movement LessonTM can help ensure that leisurely afternoon does not turn to frustration by improving the mechanics of your swing. Want to find out how? Watch the video below. As a result you will see how a session can lead to improved rotation of the spine and greater integration of the shoulder and hips. Furthermore, better balance is promoted and greater vision focused on the ball.

Improve Your Golf Swing with Movement Lesson

To book your own movement assessment or to find out more information on how Movement Lesson could improve your golf swing click on the button below and complete your details.

For more analysis on how regular Movement LessonTM sessions can improve sports performance through prehabiliation and conditioning please keep visiting Movement Lesson UK Movement Analysis page, watching the Movement Lesson Sports Academy YouTube page and following the @_ML_UK Twitter feed.

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